
WBCSD在巴西的全球网络合作伙伴的一项倡议, CEBDS, in partnership with Report Group, 力求提高报告的有效性. 信息获取的便利性等方面, stakeholder engagement, 并对目标和承诺的建立进行了评估.

Published: 30 Jan 2024
Type: News

Brasília, 30 January 2024: 这对公司来说越来越重要, 正规博彩十大网站排名报告是一项新研究的主题 CEBDS (巴西正规博彩十大网站排名工商理事会), 与正规博彩十大网站排名咨询公司合作. The first Brazilian edition of Reporting matters was launched today. 这是对77家公司2022年报告的深入分析, 跨越在该国运作的各个经济部门.

Recently, 巴西证券交易委员会(CVM)通过发布一项决议加强了非财务报告议程,该决议要求上市公司从2026年开始发布报告. Additionally, 世界范围内法规和自愿倡议的显著增长将正规博彩十大网站排名报告带到了最前沿. A broad range of stakeholders, especially investors, now demand comprehensive, comparable, and reliable information for decision-making.

Therefore, Reporting matters 来到巴西的目的是评估公司如何报告他们的行为,并促进报告的改进, 遵循正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD)制定的方法, in collaboration with Radley Yeldar. 这项工作涉及一个由17名顾问组成的团队,他们花了近800个小时检查了9000多页.

In total, 根据报告事项方法评估了16项标准和81项次级标准. Among them are materiality, stakeholder engagement, external verification, goals and commitments, implementation and controls, and impact. 得分最高的前10份报告是, in alphabetical order: Ambev, Arezzo, Boticário, CBA, Eneva, GPA, Itaú, Natura, Petrobras, and Suzano.

“不同利益相关者越来越多地要求企业做出与正规博彩十大网站排名有关的承诺, establish specific and measurable goals, take concrete actions, 并对所产生的影响保持透明——无论是积极的还是消极的. 正规博彩十大网站排名报告在这方面发挥着高度相关的作用. 它们有助于增加公司的信任和信誉. Building a good report, however, can be a significant challenge, 因为现在有各种各样的标准和要求," comments Ricardo Mastroti, executive director of CEBDS.

According to the survey, 63%的分析报告提出了公司的优先正规博彩十大网站排名目标(SDGs)。, 但只有10%的国家制定了与正规博彩十大网站排名目标相关的明确目标. Additionally, 74% of the reports underwent external audit (of either part or the entire report); 58% have a Net Zero commitment (to reduce greenhouse gas emissions) by 2050; 45% responded to their indicators in accordance with GRI standards, and 24% reported based on GRI standards.

“随着新标准和框架的推出,全球范围内的正规博彩十大网站排名报告格局正在加速发展, increased regulatory pressure, 气候变化也开始出现在投资者的投资组合中. In this scenario, 这项研究成为指导企业追求更有效的沟通和管理实践的宝贵工具," says Estevam Pereira, partner at the Report Group.

For the organizers, 寻找正规博彩十大网站排名报告标准之间的一致性将有助于满足全球市场的需求, 包括投资者在国际上配置资本, 在国外经营和筹集资金的公司, 以及为所有公司报告用户提供服务的会计专业人员.

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