Accountability is now at the forefront and companies need to prepare for it.


发表: 2022年12月21日
作者: 彼得不赞美
类型: 洞察力

Less than two weeks after attending COP27 in Egypt, I participated in 《正规博彩十大网站》杂志的影响力倡议 在美国亚特兰大. 《正规博彩十大网站》杂志请来了商界领袖, 非营利组织, and academia to share insights and expertise to collectively address the associated risks and growth opportunities with 环境, Society, 和治理(ESG)相关的问题.   

I shared the essence of what I took away from COP27: we’re building a system for which companies will need to set science-based net-zero targets. / 8,全球最大的500家公司已经做出了承诺, 但其中只有15%有过渡计划, 在这15%中, 只有7%的国家有望在2030年前实现这些目标. 承诺很好, but we need to reach a point where companies will be asked to disclose and carefully track their progress. 真的没有时间可以浪费了. 我们必须朝着将全球变暖限制在1摄氏度的方向前进.5°C.  

Accountability is now at the forefront and companies need to be ready.

Actions by standards boards and government must use climate-related scenario analysis to report on climate resilience and to identify climate-related risks and opportunities, as recommended by The Task Force on 气候-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). 在美国, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is expected to soon announce rules that would require companies to report their resilience to climate risks in more detail. 上个月,我们自己推出了一个 新的气候情景工具, which includes the first-ever climate scenarios designed specifically for the 食物, 农业, 和林产品部门. This helps companies develop transition plans to align with a low-carbon future. 继TCFD之后,WBCSD亦推出了 与自然有关的财务披露特别工作组 (TNFD), emerging as the framework to enable business to meet the growing expectation to disclose nature-related risks and opportunities and ensure finance flows to nature-positive outcomes. 

这些行动, plus a strong interest from capital market firms to better understand climate risk exposures, will make it inevitable for leading companies to be held accountable for the progress toward a net-zero world. It is time for companies to close the gap between intent and execution. Any company that sets a net-zero target without a transition plan toward implementation can no longer be seen as having a credible target. 卡洛琳红棕色, Chief Sustainability Officer and Senior Vice President for global health and Society impact at Pfizer, 在一次关于领导力的圆桌会议上,我提出了这个想法, namely that “people need to feel assured that when we say we’re doing something that we’re actually doing it, 他们可以随着时间的推移进行追踪。”. 同样的, any transition plan without transparent disclosures on the progress toward the target soon will no longer be accepted by financial markets. 

相互关联的气候问题, 自然损失, 日益严重的不平等也影响了各种环境, Society, 和治理问题(ESG). 只有同时解决这三个问题,企业才能蓬勃发展. COVID demonstrated how the three are connected and their level of impact. 然而,假设我们期望公司负起责任. 在这种情况下, we need consistent data and a common language to fully engage capital markets to redefine value in a manner that ensures they reward the most sustainable companies with a lower cost of capital, 认识到金融的价值, 环境, Society, 以及治理绩效.  

虽然现在越来越多的公司参与Society问题, we are just beginning to understand how best to measure and quantify the impact. However, we must do everything we can to minimize the time necessary to get there. 凯瑟琳·麦克劳克林, 执行副总裁, and Chief Sustainability Officer at Walmart said: “’With Society issues, there tend to be many different views about what good looks like versus something like climate, where we can agree on how to measure a ton of emissions and it is what it is.” 

在峰会上,我 说话 on the plenary stage about the new breed of business leadership needed to drive the type of systems transformation required to meet a 1.5°C的世界. Systems thinking will drive business leaders to be bold and humble: confident that we can disrupt and transform systems to deliver a more sustainable world, yet clear-eyed about the collaborations on which progress will depend. 系统转型将改变我们生活的方方面面, 从我们使用的能源类型, how we transport ourselves and how and what we grow to feed the world.   

要做到这一点, business leaders must commit to a mindset shift that drives ESG strategy in a way that fosters: 

  • 加强供应链的韧性 
  • 以再生带动创新  
  • 资本主义的再创造    


I left the US with a better appreciation of the ESG attacks being waged in the country. The external backlash against the terms “ESG” and “DEI” is real, palpable, and increasing. 但我也更加乐观了. 美国最近的选举加强了民主制度. Young people voted in higher numbers than expected and for candidates, 他们认为这是解决气候变化和日益严重的不平等问题的最好办法. 另外, the climate provisions contained in the Administration’s Inflation Reduction Act have begun to spur economic growth in areas of the country that are at risk of being left behind.  

如果我们做对了, we will create profitable solutions for the societal problems facing people and the planet. And when we do, we will achieve that by 2050 9+ billion live well within planetary boundaries. 

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