Building nature positive into the energy transition

发表: 2023年6月2日
作者: Pete Jones, Manager, 自然, Diana Ferrari, Manager, 能源 & 玛丽安娜·海因里希,能源主管
类型: 洞察力

自然 is the backbone of the world economy. Industries, from agriculture to energy, impact 和 depend on the natural world. Global populations 和 economies continue to grow, as do their dem和s on nature 和 natural resources. Future resilience 和 prosperity dem和 that these needs are managed sustainably.

Wildlife populations have decreased by 70% in the last 50 years,1 which puts multiple ecosystems at risk of collapse. The energy sector accounts for 10% of the pressures causing biodiversity loss,2 与石油 & gas 和 utilities having a particularly high impact, 主要是由于污染, greenhouse gas emissions 和 impacts on species 和ir habitats. Even renewable electricity technologies can have unintended effects on nature. 例如, the total amount of l和 和 sea area required to generate the world’s renewable energy requirements is circa 1 million km2, equivalent to almost twice the size of France.2 Any development close to this figure will result in the loss of natural habitats 和 undermine nature’s resilience to climate change effects. 因此, we need a holistic framework as part of the global energy transition to address these impacts 和, 同时, realize opportunities for nature restoration.

The good news is that in December 2022, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework was adopted, providing the ambitious global aim of halting 和 reversing biodiversity loss by 2030. While delivering the targets set out in the Global Biodiversity Framework will be a shared task between governments, 企业, financial institutions 和 civil society, 我们需要更多的投资, particularly from the private sector, 加大力度. 这个洞察部分 describes what 企业 can do now to take action as required by the Global Biodiversity Framework. 

在WBCSD, we are helping companies navigate 和 manage their nature-positive journeys by providing guidance for consistent 和 credible business actions, including for specific value chains. 我们的 积极自然的路线图 are mapping the key nature impacts 和 dependencies 和 are identifying priority actions across three high-impact global value chains: l和-based (食物 & 农业森林), 建筑环境,以及能源. This is aligned with broader efforts to map sector transitions to nature-positive in collaboration with 商业为自然世界经济论坛.

我们的 team will lead a workshop at the 路透全球能源转型 于6月7日和8日在纽约举行. Learn more about what we will cover at the bottom of this blog!

自然的积极 Roadmap for the 能源 System

The 自然的积极 Roadmap for the 能源 System will provide tools 和 guidance for companies to implement nature-positive transition plans using the globally agreed high-level actions for nature: ACT-D, i.e., Assess, Commit, Transform 和 Disclose. 除了, it will support companies in setting science-based targets for nature (in line with the Science Based Target Network (SBTN)) 和 applying the Taskforce for 自然-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) framework to nature disclosures.

Emerging insights so far include that:

  • The energy system will play a key role in contributing to the 全球自然目标: it has broad 和 significant impacts on nature, 包括用水量, 空气污染和排放, 土地的摄入量, habitat fragmentation 和 disturbances during construction 和 operation. But it also has massive potential to drive nature-positive change within its value chain 和 beyond as an essential component of the supply chains of almost all public 和 private entities, 以及最终客户.
  • It is key to consider trade-offs between impacts on nature, climate 和 people: especially in the energy system, climate impacts have been at the forefront of company actions so far, but the increasing momentum around nature offers an opportunity to rebalance 和 consider the overall implications for all three topics.
  • We need deep collaboration along the entire value chain to be able to implement impactful transformative actions at a global scale. 为了实现这种合作, 关键绩效指标需要透明度, 基线, disclosure 和 targets so that these can be embedded into each step of the value chain. 为此我们需要新的指标, 和 developing 和 testing these new metrics will take time, as will building partnerships within the value chain that catalyze nature-positive innovation.

TNFD pilot project with WBCSD members

除了路线图开发之外, six WBCSD member companies have been involved in our TNFD energy system pilot, testing its draft version 和 providing feedback to the TNFD as well as on the 自然的积极 Roadmap.


  • The piloting companies already have policies 和 processes in place to manage 和 monitor impacts, risks 和 opportunities associated with nature. Most of them focus on addressing their own impacts, e.g., through converting habitat, using water or via emissions. Some pilot companies are already applying concepts such as “net-positive impact” or “net gain” to individual projects, 特别是在生物多样性方面.
  • To capture the wider nature-positive agenda beyond biodiversity, pilot companies are now undertaking gap analyses between their existing commitments, practices 和 management tools 和 what working toward nature-positive requires. Such analysis is necessary to integrate nature-positive aligned approaches more explicitly into strategic business planning 和 management processes, as well as identify any capacity/skills needed to implement them.
  • New for many companies is the need for a deeper focus on nature impacts 和 dependencies arising in upstream activities 和, 对一些公司来说, 在他们的产品销往下游. One possible approach explored during the pilot is to do an initial, qualitative assessment to prioritize those business units for a more detailed assessment.


The overall work on the Roadmap for the 能源 System will continue through 2023 和 most of 2024, releasing outputs for companies to use along the way – the first ones in Q3 2023.  WBCSD is also setting up an SBTN Preparer Group 和 scoping a TNFD Preparer Forum. These will help companies to get ready to set science-based targets for nature 和 TNFD-aligned disclosures.  

Join us at the 路透全球能源转型 Conference for a deep dive into energy 和 biodiversity

我们的 team will be leading a workshop at the 路透全球能源转型 2023. 作为路透社的旗舰活动之一, the conference will gather 750+ executives in New York on 7-8 June to shape 和 deliver the energy systems of the future. 在我们的工作室, the attendees 和 us will share advice on how to accelerate nature-positive action via three focused break-out groups:

  • How to apply the 2022 Global Biodiversity Framework to your business – what targets 和 metrics are needed?
  • How to implement the TNFD to help your business – how to integrate biodiversity into enterprise strategy 和 risk management processes?
  • How to take 自然的积极 action on the ground – what actions are other companies already taking to reverse impacts 和 restore biodiversity?

The purpose of the workshop will be to provide attendees with ideas 和 examples of approaches already used, 或提出, 解决上述问题. Attendees will leave the workshop better equipped to drive nature action within their 企业.

玛丽安娜·海因里希(WBCSD主任, 能源途径), 皮特·琼斯(WBCSD经理), 自然 和 secondee from ERM) 和 Margaret O’Gorman (President, Wildlife Habitat Council) will run the workshop. 我们希望在那里见到你! 注册在这里 参加.

For more information on how to get involved in our energy 和 nature work, please contact: 皮特 or



[2] Impacts of Green New Deal 能源 Plans on Grid Stability, 成本, 工作, 健康, 和 气候 in 143 Countries – ScienceDirect

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