
Published: 23 Nov 2023
Author: Quentin Drewell, Director, Products & Materials and Delphine Garin, Manager, Plastics & Packaging
Type: Insight

上周,来自160多个国家的代表聚集在内罗毕的联合国环境规划署总部,继续讨论一项终止塑料污染的国际法律约束力文书(ILBI). During this third meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3), 各国就零排放条约草案应该包括哪些内容交换了意见,议题包括塑料生产, problematic plastics and product design, to the use of recycled content, Extended Producer Responsibility and waste management. And although the terms are not yet defined, the direction of travel is clear: By the end of 2024, a global treaty will address the full life cycle of plastic, including its production, design and disposal.

企业需要开始为合规做准备,并加强衡量和管理塑料污染风险和加速循环的商业机会的方式. Through their mitigation strategies, 公司将需要完善的缓解计划来帮助实现ILBI的目标, 但却没有一种机制来一致地、可比较地衡量和披露业绩, progress will stall.


The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) recognizes that a corporate performance and accountability framework 企业管理价值链上的塑料污染风险和循环机会是否至关重要. 制定企业绩效和问责制的系统和工具为企业行动提供了明确和一致的指导,并将在条约谈判的同时为制定过渡途径提供信息.

Ahead of INC-3, WBCSD released a paper introducing a global plastics protocol. This protocol for business aims to create global standards for plastic accounting, target-setting and action planning, covering both plastic leakage and circularity. It focuses on three building blocks that will be achieved by working with businesses, partners and stakeholders:

Accounting and assessment: 将60多个会计指标结合为两个关键指标-塑料足迹和塑料循环-来评估公司绩效.

Ambition: 为制定基于科学的目标提供指导,以简化塑料足迹和循环的目标设定.

Action: 制定标准化的行动框架,以减少塑料足迹和提高循环性, along with interim guidance until harmonization is achieved.


For business to make progress to end plastic pollution and transition to circularity, we need policies that create a level playing field. But equally important, we need alignment between capital markets and business. What we at WBCSD call a Corporate performance and accountability system (CPAS) 金融市场与企业行为之间的关键联系是否与问责制有关, valuation and capital allocation.

As part of performance management, 企业需要将与塑料污染有关的风险和与循环经济有关的机会纳入决策, innovation and strategic planning. Businesses will have to translate the ILBI targets, 让他们的目标与科学保持一致,然后将这些目标转化为过渡计划. Those transition plans will then drive research and development, 加强供应链协作,最终实现可持续和循环产品和服务的营销和销售.

In terms of accountability, 企业需要准备向投资者和其他利益相关者披露塑料污染绩效信息. Consistent, 可比较的高质量数据是为金融部门决策提供信息的关键. 这就是CDP呼吁强制性企业披露塑料相关风险的原因, dependencies and impacts in the ILBI, as voluntary disclosure is not enough.

金融市场可以利用这些数据来定价塑料污染风险和循环机会,以及它们的表现 corporate valuation models. As a result, capital will flow 感谢那些推动转型、终结塑料污染、向循环经济转型的公司和解决方案. UNEP-FI[1] 解释了为实现环境规划署“关闭水龙头”报告中确定的三个必要的市场转变所需的资金流动的主要重新方向:1)重用:增加重用业务模式, 2) Recycle: increased safe and environmentally sound recycling, and 3) Reorient & Diversify: reorienting and diversifying toward alternative materials and plastics. ILBI有可能向成员国发出一个强有力的信息,其目标是明确呼吁将资金流动与终止塑料污染的途径结合起来.

The Friends of the Action Agenda - an opportunity for business leadership

In Nairobi, the Governments of Samoa, the United States, 挪威和智利——作为“行动议程之友”——呼吁非国家行为体采取行动,通过组织各部门提交一份利益相关者行动报告,阐述当前的状态和机会领域以及减少塑料污染的途径,帮助各国与“实体”经济进行谈判.

其目的是,一旦《正规博彩十大网站》达成一致,“行动议程之友”将为类似于马拉喀什气候伙伴关系的协调一致的多利益攸关方行动议程铺平道路. It will provide a powerful mechanism for business to engage, demonstrate leadership and input into the dialogue. 在结束塑料污染的全系统转型中,企业可以发挥核心作用, and the Friends of the Action Agenda allows business to play this role in a credible, accountable and transparent way.

Addressing plastic pollution will take ambitious, broad-based action from all segments of society, public and private.  《正规博彩十大网站》可以帮助建立通过《正规博彩十大网站排名》的势头. 我们必须从气候行动议程中吸取教训,制定强有力的多利益攸关方议程,推动基于企业绩效和问责制的有效行动.

[1] UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (2023). Redirecting Financial Flows to end Plastic Pollution. Geneva.

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