能量储存 is key to unlocking renewable power's full potential


发表: 2022年5月4日
作者: Surbhi Singhvi
类型: 洞察力

本文最初发表于 经济时报.

India is increasing its reliance on renewable energy to support its net-zero ambitions, with a target to meet 50% of the country’s electricity requirements through renewable sources by 2030. As the variable and intermittent renewable power takes a more predominant share in the total power mix, how can India ensure grid safety and reliability in power supply? 能量储存, with its grid balancing and renewable power optimizing services, provides businesses with the right opportunity to unlock India’s clean energy potential.

随着可再生能源普及率的提高, the operational dynamics of the power system will change drastically, requiring a change in the system architecture as well. 能源储存将成为新电力系统架构的一个重要组成部分,因为它不仅有助于平衡发电的可变性,而且还可以使消费者消耗更高比例的自行产生的可再生能源,并减少将多余的电力反馈给电网的需求.

“在电网规模上, energy storage is needed to efficiently manage the dynamics of demand and supply. 这包括管理短时间的峰值功率需求,并在电网处于压力下时保持频率,” Dr. Ganesh Das, Chief – Strategy, Collaborations, Innovation and R&塔塔电力德里配电有限公司.

While pumped-hydro storage has traditionally been the most widely used storage technology globally, 它的环境和地理限制已经为电池和燃料电池等新技术的更广泛应用铺平了道路.


储能系统已经开始支持企业减少对化石燃料的依赖, 比如柴油, and optimizing the use of renewable power in a commercially viable way. 商业和工业用户部署的商业可行性取决于可应用的用例, 操作地点和类型, 以及获得可再生能源的可能性, 除其他因素外.

“我们最近启用了一个连接卡纳塔克邦太阳能发电厂的1兆瓦时(MWh)电池储能系统, one of the first battery projects of this scale in the commercial and industrial segment in India. 安装的系统提供电池存储,作为电网停机期间的备用电源,作为柴油发电机的替代方案, helping the offtaker save around 1 lakh liters of diesel annually,” 阿尼尔·巴特, CEO of Distributed Generation at Amplus Solar, a member of the PETRONAS Group.

“适用于商业和工业消费者, 如果柴油发电机组每天使用超过20分钟,电价在每千瓦时8印度卢比以上,储能部署可能具有商业意义。. 这也将与那些有可能安装剩余太阳能并在卡纳塔克邦等邦开展业务的人有关, 北方邦和泰米尔纳德邦, where net metering is not allowed for commercial and industrial consumers,根据… 阿尼尔·巴特.

各州对电网中剩余可再生能源的储存以供以后使用和取消净计量激励措施(1)的限制越来越多.e., 能够将消费者生产的额外可再生能源卖给公用事业公司,将成为能源存储市场进一步增长的催化剂.

Barriers to adoption by commercial and industrial consumers

In its report on ‘Optimal Generation Capacity Mix’, the key advisory body to the Union Power Ministry of India, 中央电力管理局正确地认识到,到2030年,储能系统将在满足印度的能源需求方面发挥关键的支持作用. 虽然已经发布了超过7千兆瓦时(GWh)的大型政府招标,以安装电池储能系统(独立或作为混合可再生能源项目的一部分)。, commercial and industrial consumers face a number of challenges in the adoption of energy storage.

“Aditya Birla Group is committed to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. 考虑到我们的能源使用情况, renewable energy with storage has a clear role in our decarbonization roadmap. 而与锂离子电池存储成本相关的各种预测表明,到2030年,锂离子电池的成本将下降60%以上, current prices limit the application of battery storage as a commercially viable alternative. The challenge of recycling end-of-life batteries will also impact our decision to adopt” Deeksha Vats, Chief Sustainability Officer at Aditya Birla Group.

Godrej集团的目标是到2030年在其运营中实现碳中和,并承诺减少其绝对排放量.5度的情况下. Renewable energy and energy efficiency have been the two pillars of our decarbonization strategy, and storage is emerging as the third and perhaps the most important pillar in this push. 大规模采用储能技术的最大挑战是解决方案的经济性. 其他挑战包括存储技术的选择及其长期的可靠性和维护成本。 Ramnath Vaidyanthan, Head, Environmental Sustainability at Godrej Industries Limited and Associated Companies.

Policy and regulatory changes for grid-scale installations

储能系统的电网规模部署更多地依赖于合适的政策和监管框架的存在, as compared to the case for deployment by commercial and industrial consumers.

Two kinds of policy and regulatory changes are required to boost energy storage deployment in India. The first kind is rules needed to ensure the reliability and safety of renewable power-based grid, which will automatically support energy storage deployment. 这些措施包括向商业和工业消费者征收更高的分时电价,以及发展一个活跃的辅助服务市场. 目前, the peak tariff in India is 15-20% higher than off-peak tariffs, 而在包括美国在内的其他市场, 澳大利亚和英国, 这种差异可以高达200-400%. The ancillary services market should also be opened up further and incentivize fast response services.

The second kind is more directed towards energy storage deployment itself. 2021年推出的与生产挂钩的激励计划,旨在鼓励制造用于电池的先进化学电池,这是一项伟大的举措.

“A national energy storage target in line with the renewable energy target of 2030, 进一步细分为年度各州储能目标对于使各个利益相关者能够优化成本至关重要, 开发创新的解决方案,创造需求. 此外, specific exemptions including removal of import tariffs until quality cell supply is available locally, 征收开放取用费, 使用可再生能源为存储正规博彩十大网站排名充电的消费者的州内传输和车轮收费将有助于加速部署,“冠瘿碱 Achal Sondhi, Vice President, Growth at APAC for Fluence.


在商业和工业消费者中, 人们似乎对储能系统的适用性缺乏认识, 主要原因是缺乏以所需频率和持续时间捕获电力消耗数据的工具. 例如, many large businesses in India still lack data showing their 15-minutes electricity load profile, which is critical for the commercial evaluation of a business case to deploy energy storage.

本世纪20年代是行动的十年, 像能源储存这样的技术将在支持我们赢得对抗气候危机的竞赛中发挥关键作用. There is no time left for a wait-and-watch approach. 而政府正在通过制定适当的政策和监管框架,为电网规模的部署奠定基础, 企业应该行动起来. 这可以通过首先确保访问和分析信息性数据(如15分钟负载模式)来实现, 太阳能发电概况, potential for excess solar power and use of diesel on an everyday basis for power back-up, 然后确定合适的业务运营部署,以获得能源存储采用的商业利益.

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