High Value Ecosystems

High value ecosystems are critical to preserving biodiversity and provide a plethora of regulating systems for the planet. These ecosystem services include carbon sequestration, air filtration, and flood runoff storage among others. So often these ecosystems are destroyed to make way for more agricultural production. The work of pillar 3 aims to end deforestation while also helping to restore degraded landscapes.


    农业 provides an immediate and tangible source of revenue in a way that preservation currently does not – especially in developing nations. It is vital to advocate for the legal protection of these habitats while simultaneously incentivizing the preservation of them in a way that is both environmentally and socially just.

    The business case

    Consumers are demanding more transparency in the supply chains of products – and with an increase in awareness and immediately transmissible information, companies acting responsibly within their supply chain is necessary to maintain a trusted relationship with their customers. Working in partnership with governments can help manage this transition to responsible sourcing.


    Pillar 3 seeks to assist companies in their journey to more responsible sourcing through the development of a restoration framework – which looks to help companies identify geographies and intervention methods to prioritize which high value ecosystems should be addressed first and in what ways to responsibly go about restoring them. 另外, we are working with our members and partnering with outside organizations to accelerate toward making zero-deforestation a reality.

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