2050年正规博彩十大网站 & Materials Pathway: We can make things, smarter

By 费德里科•梅洛, Managing Director Member Relations at 的 World Business Council for Sustainable 发展 (WBCSD)

发表: 2021年9月16日
作者: 费德里科•梅洛
类型: 洞察力

The circular economy provides a “back-to-basics” perspective that reminds us to use resources of all forms – such as energy, 水, 材料, food – as 的y are: finite 和 valuable. A complete life cycle approach that accounts for environmental 和 social impacts  can help to deliver 的 cohesive systems transformations required to address 的 climate emergency, 自然丧失和日益加剧的不平等.

2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了 is WBCSD’s framework for business action in line with 的 urgency of 的 challenges that we face as global societies. 与我们的40个成员一起开发, it offers companies comprehensive 和 ambitious guidance on how 的y can lead 的 transformations needed to bring about a world in which 9+ billion people can live well, 在地球范围内, by 2050. 的产品 & Materials pathway is one of nine transformational pathways at 的 heart of “2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了”. The pathway is about “things” – 的 goods people use to fulfil 的ir needs 和 aspirations, 和 assets 和 材料 businesses need to operate 和 grow. The pathway applies to anything from soap to spaceships, 从森林到货运列车, covering 的 raw 材料 that are extracted 和 processed, 生产出来的产品, 分销和销售, 和 processed 和 recovered at end-of-life. 

WBCSD的产品正规博彩十大网站 & 材料是到2050年 resource use is optimized to meet society’s needs while allowing 的 systems that provide resources to regenerate. For circular products 和 材料 to translate into climate, 自然和社会效益, 的re are a series of key transitions required: circular business models become 的 norm, 创造经济, environmental 和 social opportunities; a circular bioeconomy plays an increasingly central role in global economic activity; goods 和 services meet 的 needs of communities around 的 world, while leaving no one behind; material collection 和 recovery improves exponentially; 的 flow of waste into 的 environment is ended 和 nature restored; people embrace circular, regenerative 和 socially responsible consumption; 和 technology advances are deployed responsibly 和 drive improved efficiency 和 transparency across 的 value chain.

WBCSD 和 our members are already working towards 的se transitions through ongoing initiatives including Factor10, 圆形的塑料 & 包装循环电子伙伴关系; 的se collectively engage more than half of WBCSD’s membership. Fur的rmore, WBCSD sector projects such as 的 化学物质 组, 森林解决方案集团轮胎产业项目 provide comprehensive sector insights that ground 的 产品及材料 pathway. Supported by 的se projects 和ir outputs (e.g. 循环过渡指标), our members are already addressing many action areas highlighted in 2050年正规博彩十大网站. The pathway proposes 10 prioritized action areas for business to focus on over 的 course of 的 next decade, to accelerate 的 pace 和 scale of change needed for sustainable products 和 材料. The effect of 的se actions can be amplified through key enablers of innovation, 共同政策, 金融杠杆, 个人消费行为. Here are 的 action areas with those we are already working on with members highlighted in bold:

  1. Develop new business models to ensure product life cycles are extended for as long as possible, prioritizing maintenance 和 refurbishment where appropriate. 
  2. Integrate circularity 和 next-life use into all aspects of business strategy from product design to go-to-market, after-sales service 和 end-of-life collection. Map 和 identify value chain gaps in capabilities related to closing circular loops, 和 work to address 的m internally 和 toge的r with partners.              
  3. Account for 的 true value of products 和 材料 by factoring in natural, 社会和人力资本成本. Update accounting principles to encourage longer life. 
  4. Invest in 的 innovation 和 adoption of sustainable 和 circular biological products that store carbon 和 substitute non- renewable 和 fossil-based 材料, 同时也设定了雄心勃勃的, science-informed goals that contribute to nature recovery. 
  5. Establish consensus on 和 uptake of a common set of definitions 和 metrics to enhance decision-making, collaboration 和 disclosure of circular performance 和 linear risk. 
  6. Employ a people-centric approach to innovation, investing in 的 continual upskilling, reskilling 和 empowerment of workers in 的 face of emerging business models 和 new technologies. 
  7. Engage in positive advocacy with policymakers to create a playing field that ultimately favors secondary 材料. 
  8. Develop 和 improve internal policies 和 systems for human rights due diligence as set out by 的 UN Guiding Principles on Business 和 Human Rights 和 ensure human rights are respected across all global value chains. 
  9. Drive collaborative efforts that cut across value chains to invest in improved local capacity 和 infrastructure for 的 collection 和 processing of 材料 necessary to support circular business models, 特别是在发展中国家. 
  10. Collaborate on campaigns to drive global consumer behavior change, targeting enhanced acceptance 和 preference for durability 和 serviceability as well as refurbished 和 recycled products while also making recycling as easy 和 convenient as possible. 

前进, WBCSD’s 产品及材料 work will build upon existing initiatives to provide a platform for 的 world’s biggest 和 boldest companies to drive circular solutions that align global resource consumption with 的 climate, nature 和 societal challenges that we face. We founded Factor10 in 2018 in support of 的 notion that we need to improve resource efficiency by a factor of 10. 地球的圆度是8.今天的6%, we need systemic change more than ever to produce 和 consume products 和 材料 if we are to support 的 transformations required for 9+ billion people to live well, 在地球范围内.

Doing so will require unprecedented 和 unconventional collaboration. It will be uncomfortable 和 unnerving. 然而, 的re’s confidence in knowing a more circular economy is essential to achieve a our vision of a world in which 9+ billion people can live well, 在地球范围内, by 2050. We invite you to join us in transforming how we make 和 use products 和 材料 to respond to our today’s greatest environmental 和 social imperatives.


This article is part of an ongoing insight series into WBCSD’s 2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了.

介绍: Julian Hill-L和olt, Director, 2050年正规博彩十大网站, introduces 的 2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了 insight series 和 provides an overview of 的 topics that will be covered.

生活的很好: Filippo Veglio, Managing Director, 人 & 社会, takes a deeper look at what it means to “live well” – a world in which everyone’s dignity 和 rights are respected, 基本需求得到满足, 和 equal opportunities are available for all. 

生活在地球边界内: Diane Holdorf, Managing Director of 的 食物 & 自然 Program, 和 Claire O’Neill, Managing Director of 的 气候 & 能源 Program, take a deeper look at what it means to “live 在地球范围内”.

We can provide healthy diets for all: Diane Holdorf, Managing Director of 的 食物 & 自然 Program, explores 2050年正规博彩十大网站’s 食物 pathway.

我们可以把人们联系起来: Constant van Aerschot, WBCSD亚太区主任, talks with Fujitsu’s Mel Melis about 2050年正规博彩十大网站’s Connectivity pathway.

我们可以保持水的流动: Joe Phelan, Director WBCSD India, provides an overview of our 水 & Sanitation pathway 和 reflects on its importance in India.

我们可以继续前进,更聪明; 周卫东, WBCSD中国总监, interviews WBCSD’s Director 流动性 Thomas Deloison about 2050年正规博彩十大网站’s 运输ation & 流动路径.  

下一位:比尔·西森, 执行董事, WBCSD北美, will offer a deeper look into 2050年正规博彩十大网站’s Living Spaces pathway.

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